Steven Zinsli
Chief Executive Officer
Steven Zinsli is chief executive officer at HealthNow. He is on a mission to revolutionize the way organizations engage in and support the health and wellbeing of their people. Improving accessibility, equity, and outcomes for people and improving organisational performance. He started his journey in rehabilitative healthcare, at age 22, Steve and a business partner scaled their healthcare business to 15 clinics and 120 staff across six different healthcare disciplines in 5 years, treating over 120 thousand unique patients. His firsthand experience at the front line of healthcare exposed how cost was the biggest single hurdle that prevented people accessing healthcare when they needed it. Leading to treatment delays, poorer health outcomes and follow on impacts in the persons day to day life. With patient stories of extended time off work, inability to do their job properly and individual wellbeing effecting performance in the workplace. Steve noticed something many have realized; employee health and wellbeing is critical to business success. As a business leader, Steve had experienced the complexity of managing traditional approaches to organizational health and wellbeing. Vendor management, complicated and administratively heavy wellbeing/occupational health and safety programs or reimbursable… Determined to solve this issue on a broader scale, Steve delved back into the startup sphere to build HealthNow. HealthNow, operates at the nexus of Fintech, Healthtech, and employee benefits – Because no one benefits more from healthy staff than employers do. With HealthNow, organizations can empower their people with funded HealthNow accounts connected to HealthNow Mastercards. Facilitating seamless access and choice for their diverse and distributed team members to access health and wellbeing services. Through customizable contribution plans, organizations dictate spending parameters while ensuring universal acceptance within accepted sectors. Steve’s vision extends beyond conventional boundaries, envisioning a world where organizations can efficiently and effectively engage economically in their employees' health and wellbeing. With HealthNow, he's turning this vision into reality, one transaction at a time.
Day 1
Boosting your employer brand through modern technology solutions
Demand for individual choice and flexibility
Creating 'EVP' moments at every stage of the employee journey
Increasing the employee experience through financial efficiency
Steven Zinsli, Chief Executive Officer, Extraordinary
Day 2
Keynote Panel: Strengthening your EVP through economic downturns
Maintaining employee morale during downturns by effectively communicating the value of your EVP and its impact on your workforce
Leveraging AI and data-driven insights to enhance engagement, identify EVP gaps, and drive strategic improvements
Gaining executive and board support by demonstrating how a robust EVP can align with business objectives and drive long-term success
Moderator: Steven Zinsli, Chief Executive Officer, Extraordinary
Regina Aldrin, Head of Performance and Reward, ASB Bank
Gil Sewell, Kaihautū Tikanga, Chief People and Culture Officer, Ember Korowai Takitini