Rebekah Clarke
Commercial Manager
Freightways - NZATD Award Winner 2024
Rebekah Clarke is a practical and experienced learning and development manager working within Freightways. Her industry experience includes over 15 years of expertise in banking including an incredible time at the Bank of Scotland, the Totaliser Agency Board (TAB) and the past four years leading impactful training programmes in transport and logistics. During the 2024 learning and development week, the New Zealand association for training and development held their annual awards to recognise excellence in the industry with Rebekah achieving learning and development manager of the year. A strong advocate for practical, high-impact learning experiences, Rebekah is passionate about empowering individuals and teams to reach their full potential. Rebekah is currently focused on developing leadership capabilities across a decentralised workforce and measuring the ROI of training initiatives to ensure sustained success.
Day 2
Case Study: Measuring the ROI of employee training and development initiatives
Effectively demonstrating the value of training to secure funding
How to maximise the value of your business’s existing training programmes
Identifying skills gaps by analysing the business impact of training and development
Rebekah Clarke, Commercial Manager, Freightways - NZATD Award Winner 2024