Jarrod Haar PhD, FRSNZ, CFHRNZ
Dean's Chair and Professor of Human Resources and Management and Maori Business
Massey University
Jarrod Haar is dean’s chair and professor of management and Māori business at Massey University, with tribal affiliations of Ngāti Maniapoto and Ngāti Mahuta. He researches employees and organisations (especially Māori) including the role of technology. He has won industry and best-paper awards and won multiple research grants ($6.7m individually plus was a named researcher on a $105m National Science Challenge). He is a fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi. He has 154 journal articles and given over 120 keynotes and invited presentations. He is a frequent media commentator and is ranked in the Elsevier World Top 2% of Scientists worldwide (business and management subfield).
Day 2
Mini Workshop: Managing change as AI reshapes employee experiences
Providing skill development or redeployment for employees at risk of job loss
Engaging employees on the benefits of AI and its positive impact on their roles
Looking beyond traditional profiles to recruit employees who can quickly adapt to AI training
Jarrod Haar, Dean's Chair and Professor of Human Resources and Management and Māori Business, Massey University